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How i can start? - Is website where you can earn free Diamonds.
Keep in mind! When we launch our own token, Diamonds will be exchanged 1:1 for it.
Claim free Diamonds 🔥
Max supply for our token will be: 100,000,000 🏦
In free rewards: 20,000,000 🛒
Here is how you can earn free Diamonds token:
Open Doors:
To open doors you need to claim keys!
Then you can open up to 4 doors at time and win up to 2000000 DMD token!
This one is the most loved one because of the big pot it makes each week!
The best in this is that you get a free ticket with every claim!
There is also option to buy as many tickets as you want!
Claim every 5 minutes
Yes! A fast timer of 5 minutes will let you get extra Diamonds, keys or tokens very fast!
So in case you love to play games you would not need to wait long for new Diamonds or keys.
Ussing affilate program
We have a nice 10% reward from your referral earnings! Multiple users already has started to share unique link to get some extra bonus!
Joinning giveaways
We are doing some contests time to time so users can pretend to some extra bonus.
Other tokens
We are making giveaways of other tokens time to time.